3 Things You Must Be Aware about Ultherapy


One of the most common signs of aging is sagging skin. When you age, your body begins to produce less collagen which is a protein that helps in keeping your skin tight. The outcome is skin has less elasticity and begins to droop and sag. The face is one body part where the sagging seems the most noticeable. When the skin begins to sag, you may notice a droopy brow or jowls. The only way to treat loose skin is by the means of surgery like facelift or if it is the upper part of the face, a brow lift. There are also many non surgical options available for skin tightening and preventing the aging process.

One such option for the same is ulthera, which is the only non invasive and non surgical treatment that makes the use of ultrasound technology for tightening the skin and it is approved by the FDA as well. If you observe some kind of sagginess or drooping in your face and neck and if you are thinking of getting some treatment, go for non surgical options like ulthera. Here is more about ultherapy you should be aware of

  1. It uses ultrasound to cure your skin

What makes ultherapy different is that it centralizes on rejuvenating the skin and makes the use of a type of energy to do the same. Ulthera is not a laser treatment, it rather uses the ultrasound energy for tightening the skin. During the ultherapy treatments, the ultrasound energy permeates the top layer of the skin and then reaches the dermis. Then, the production of collagen is stimulated. As the body secretes more collagen in the treatment area, the outcome is inevitably lifted and firmer.

  1. You need no downtime

Ultherapy is not surgical at all and hence needs no incision. As this very treatment is non invasive, there would be no need for you to take a leave from work or from your other daily activities to heal and rest. You will be able to go to work after the treatment and you can also workout or exercise immediately after ultherapy. After the surgery for lifting and rejuvenating the skin, you may need to stop exercising for at least a month.

  1. You may feel something during the treatment

Ultherapy takes around half an hour or sometimes even an hour. During the process, you may feel some sensations as the ultrasound energy is permeated through your skin. Your comfortability levels are determined on your tolerance levels during the process. Some people may not feel any kind of discomfort at all while some may feel that they are experiencing tiny electric shocks. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the doctor.

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