What Are Different Types of Dental Fillings and Advantages?


Restoring damaged teeth is an important step of the dental restoration process. Your dentists in Kelowna BC will clean your mouth and add dental fillings to prevent chances of tooth decay. Since there are different types of dental fillings, choosing one becomes difficult. This article highlights some common types of dental fillings. Here we go!

Types of dental fillings 

Some common types of dental fillings are: 

1. Silver amalgam fillings

It is the oldest and most popular dental filling made with a combination of minerals, including copper and zinc. Since it lasts for a long time and is highly affordable, it is a common choice among kids and adults. The primary reason why people are less gravitated to this filling nowadays is that it is not aesthetically pleasing. 

2. Composite fillings 

Built from resin and composite materials, the composite filling is placed within your teeth and hardened using a curing light. The most standout feature of composite fillings is that they look the same as your natural teeth. However, their shelf life is less than most dental fillings. 

3. Ceramic fillings 

These are other commonly used dental fillings, popularly known for their durability. These fillings look completely natural and last for more than two decades if maintained properly. The only drawback of these fillings is they tend to brittle with time. 

4. Glass ionomer fillings 

This filler is composed of a combination of acrylic and glass. They are typically applied to young patients whose teeth are still growing. To prevent further tooth decay, they provide fluoride to the tooth. However, because they are weaker than composite resin and will eventually wear out or shatter, they only last a few years. Ordinary glass ionomers lack the natural appearance of composite resin.

Advantages of dental fillings 

    • Stop decay: Fillings can halt the proliferation of bacteria and the advancement of rot.
    • Restore function: Fillings can help a tooth return to its regular state of operation.
  • Enhance appearance: Fillings can make a tooth look better.
  • Boost oral health: Dental fillings might help to strengthen teeth in general.
  • Enhance eating: Fillings can lessen the discomfort of eating.
  • Protect from hot and cold: Dental fillings help shield teeth from discomfort while consuming extremely hot or cold liquids.

Wrapping Up 

Dental fillings help you to restore your teeth functionality and speaking abilities. These prevent tooth cavities and other dental problems. 

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